
Geoparks and their associated networks are a rapidly emerging grass roots mechanism now gaining a global presence thanks to closer collaboration with UNESCO. Mirroring the sophisticated balance of conservation, education and development required in a geopark territory, we bring a multidisciplinary balance of skills and experience that enables us to provide a truly holistic perspective on any geopark related project or task.

Through our research with geoparks since 2008, we have wide experience of the diverse settings and challenges faced by newly emerging and established geopark consortia across Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas. From feasibility studies, to developing new business and funding strategies, our innovative use of participative and ‘thick data’ methods brings a fresh approach to working with stakeholders, and solutions tailored to your Geopark’s specific needs.

We can support you in:

  • Creating the right management structure for your mix of public, private and third sector stakeholders
  • Identifying and inventorying natural and cultural assets (including intangible cultural heritage) and building them into strategies for enhancing local livelihoods
  • Developing strategies for safeguarding and interpreting your natural and cultural assets
  • Developing and bringing to market innovative geotourism packages
  • Local training and capacity building
  • Communication and marketing

In Katla Geopark, Iceland, we worked with the geopark to develop an educational geotourism package for university students.

Get in touch with us to discuss how Touch TD can work alongside your existing or aspiring geopark.